At DushiNews, we believe that positive journalism can have a significant impact on how we view the world and how we relate to others.
Welcome to DushiNews, the website where you can find the most positive and uplifting news from around the world. In a world where we are often bombarded with negative news, we believe it is important to highlight stories of hope, inspiration, and kindness that occur every day.
At DushiNews, we believe that positive journalism can have a significant impact on how we view the world and how we relate to others. That's why we focus on news that makes us feel good, that inspires us, and fills us with hope.
From stories about people who have overcome adversity to community initiatives that are making a difference, at DushiNews you'll find news that will make you smile and feel good. Join us and discover the power of positive news!
The team
Shirley Jones
Founding editor
Daniel Gray
Sarah Woods
Karen Sacco
James Calderon
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